Yes! It is FINALLY here, New Office Season Premiere Tomorrow!
I remember a few years ago when a friend was so adamant about me watching OFFICE, I would dismiss it, and go back to whatever I was doing. I’ve glanced at it a few times here and there, and I just didn’t get the humor. It took at least 5 or 6 shows to get into it and now…
And now… I am a huge fan of this show. The humor is a bit dry, but the dialogue is phenomenal! I’ve gone from hating Dwight to adoring him and his almost always loyalty to Michael Scott. Jim and his hilarious jokes have won me over to this show. If you have not seen a few shows, and watch an episode now! ( ) It takes a while to get into it, but you’ll be doubling over with laughter, especially when you see the episode where Jim hides Andy Bernard’s cell phone within the ceiling tiles.
I am impatiently awaiting the season premiere, and although it is one day away, I have never been so excited for anything in my life.
How will Jim ever propose to Pam when Andy stole the lime light?
Will Michael and the new HR lady be more than working aqunatinces, and how will that rub off on Jan?
Will Michael be introduced into the baby's life?
What will poor farmboy Dwight Schrute do, will his already broken heart mend now that his ex might get married to another man.
oh the questions, the questions. And I will finally start to get some of these answers tomorrow!
If you're an Office Fan, say hi!
Don't forget to watch the Season 5 premiere tomorrow on NBC.
and now, I leave you with one of my all time favorite clips from The Office ;)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Start off your laughs with The Office Gang
An average American's take and undecided view on the 700 billion dollar bail.
If the Bush Administration couldn’t make any more mouth dropping, eye popping decisions, this one definitely takes the cake.
I don’t know about the rest of you, and I can’t speak for the rest of you, but I can speak for myself. Quite frankly, I am immensely angry at Paulsen’s effort to convince congress to accept the 700 billion dollar bailout. Doesn’t that cost more than the total cost of the
I understand that the economy is in peril, and I do realize the intended purpose of the bailout is to save the falling economy, but in reality, will it really work? The Bush Administration does not display a promising track record, and its decisions have cost us unjustified tax dollars. Is this bailout any different? I, including many Americans, want to know if the bailout is really a good idea, and if it will actually help in the long run. Do these companies have any plans so that it doesn’t happen again, and if so, what will they do to convince tax payers that the bailout is worth it? The administration’s quick, 2 year plan bailout seems to lack a strategic game plan. Either that or I must be blind and am not able to understand the sheer brilliance of it. I am not that economically savvy, but something stinks about this plan. This is a matter needs to be looked over carefully, and I believe other alternatives should be considered.
I am a bit unsure of how I feel about this bailout. I feel really skeptical that this is the right thing for the administration to do. Hopefully some of you can shed some light, how do you feel about the bailout?
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