
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Buying textbooks makes me weep


Yesterday, just before returning to my office after 2 long weeks, I decided to pick up my textbooks for the school semester. Every year, before I buy books, I always research prices online, and almost always buy my books online instead of at the book store.

My game plan for the past several years has been to buy the books from those money suckers at the university, and then wait for my books to come through in the mail. I’ve always used my financial aid money to help pay for my books. To my dismay, the book store only allows a week and a half for full refunds. This is different from the two to three week time frame that they gave, and which was more than enough for me to purchase my books online.

After grabbing all my books, and keep in mind, two of the books were not even on the shelf, my whopping total was 450 dollars. I literally wanted to cry. Although it was coming out of my financial aid, I could have saved some of that money buying the books online.

Damn you publishers.

I really should have considered just renting books. My boyfriend rented quite a few of his books online and saved a whole lot on them. I figured why buy books, use them, and never use them again, and get a measly amount back? Its just a waste of time and money

Hell, next time I’m renting from Chegg books.

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About Me

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Kavita (luvikavi)
I am a 25 year old loud mouth by my words yet soft spoken at heart. I have love affairs with new thoughts, ideas, controversies, movies, news,helping those in need and politics. If something tickles my fancy, I will blog profusely about it. The world is filled with nonsense, and writing helps me grasp the reality, whatever that may be.
I graduated from Northern with a Bachelors in Health and Human Sciences, with an emphasis in family and individual development. I hope to GOD my thousand and thousand dollars in loans has prepared me enough for Grad school which I will be venturing off into this Fall of '10. YIKES!
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